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  • レベル 10
  • サポーター 14
Let's see what I can say about me! Well I'm Achanti, Most of u may know me as Chanti. I'm born in Prov. But raised as a Florida Girl, you can say my parnets were moving back n fourth from Prov. To FL. Then we finally stayed in Florida I was about 7 or 8 So My Mom put us in School I went to Clair-Mel Elem. N Then after that I attended 3 Different Middle Schools: Dowdell M./Bayonet M./Chasco M.  Cuz in Florida we moved around a lot too! Weird but Anyways we Settled for Pasco County N I also Attended High School There I didn't Grad. Cuz I got sent up north wit my Godmother n the school threaten my parents! So I Came Back n They Kicked Me Out lol Funny shyt but Wat a Waste of money when they could of told me over the phone! So then I grew the fuck up n started working a lot n just lived life to the fullest!! I had my Crazyy Ass Times a lot n I meet people that are cool as fuck wit me til dis day n I had/meet fake ass phony ass people that smile in my face n stabbed me in the back til dis day! But I've learn that no matter what cnt no one take me down without a FIGHT! I Believe in my Father Jesus Christ n My Mother Virgin Mary! I would also like to say I love my silly ass family so much I'm a proud Aunt of 3 going on 4 lil babies n I have my Father who Has Been Strong with Everything he is going thru, I'm Very Proud Having Him As My Dad! My Mother she is My World, She is why I'm Alive today! She is the reason I Breathe, My Brother n Sister are the topping of all I save the good piece for last wit these two(Called Bro/Sis Memories).I Love them so much! Now,Dammn I've think I gave u the quickest n shortest Lil Bio of Me!! Love ya n God Bless My Peoples...Weeepaa!